For a chic, elegant headboard that complements the colour scheme of your room, take a look at the Saturn headboard. If you are looking for a contemporary headboard to provide an extra touch of style to your bedroom, then this headboard is a perfect choice. With its simple, elegant design, our Saturn headboard is the perfect match for your divan bed. 

✔ Fully Custom Made
✔ Handmade in CY
✔ Luxurious fabrics
✔ Simple Design
✔ Leg Selection
✔ Storage Available upon request
✔ Drawers Available upon request

Dimensions (approx. In cm)
Lying Area custom
Headboard Height: 120 cm or custom 
Seat height: custom
Height box: custom
Height feet: custom


Το πιο πάνω μοντέλο μπορεί να γίνει ειδική κατασκευή σε οποιοδήποτε μέγεθος και χρωματισμό.




